Friday, March 11, 2005

love -

We often say that we are to love J or the Trin ity with all our hearts, souls and minds - but do we really mean this or have we turned this into another proposition that we must believe? I mean, when is the last time you met someone who really did this? when is the last time you did something simply because you love Him? Don't we really love J because it is the right thing to do - I mean, we love Him the same way we love mentally challenged people - in the bless your heart sort of way- or because it is wrong not to love Him. We know we need to love Him, we know He loves us, but we have no concept of the idea of us loving Him the way we love others - and I am not saying it is a romantic love or a crush - but a love that is true and deep and effects our lives. Not for what He has to offer, not because it is "right" but because we know Him, have seen Him, and have felt His relentless love! The Trin ity is such a picture of love - each dwelling in the other, each giving deference to the other, each being truly God, each having all the rights of God but in some way giving them to others to reveal Themselves to us as different and distinct - and yet they are One! that is how it can be said that God is love! He doesn't just show it - He is it! By His very nature, by His very definition, by the way He interacts with His "threeness" into a "oneness" is love! (- not that I understand, that but it is cool anyway! )Oh to to love Him! I want to truly love Him, to see His word as a picture of Him and the changes He brings into my life as alterations for a better relationship with Him and with others! May this be true!


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