Friday, March 11, 2005

the book opens

The book opens to a blank page - all that it contains is still in the future - and will one day be read by one? My thoughts are that I really enjoy writing my thoughts on my computer - I have found that this is more enjoyable for me than writing in one of my cool journals - of which I have four (one to write about people I am mad at, one to write thoughts about God, one to just write in - like a diary -and one to make random notes in - like grocery lists, etc.) but I have found that I can think faster when I am typing - and that I have a great time sitting in front of a computer and writing what I am thinking! So, today I decided that I would just start a blog- not that anyone would want to read it - but it will make me feel better to write and know that it is a possibility that others may read it. I am basically gonna write what is in my head - so forgive me for any heresy that might spew forth or any anger or frustration that you might read in my words - I am growing in my thinking and I am sure that I will contradict myself at least 2000 times - but this is why it is Katy logic - hard for you to understand! So... today I was reading a book by Wilkie Collins and he was talking about the difference between nature and man - and one of the things he said was striking - here it is "...the widely differing destinies of man and his earthly sphere. The grandest mountain prospect that the eye can range over is appointed for annihilation. The smallest human intrest that the pure heart can feel is appointed to immortality." I love the sound of immortality -when you say all the consonants in the word very crisply - immortality- it sounds like what it means - forever and ever - and yet - what a huge treasure that we have been given in life itself! All that we do for others is more beautiful than the grand canyon, or even more beautiful than all of Yosemite's cliffs and crevices or the slight glow of the moon over the mighty redwoods or the glisten on the creek as the sun breaks through - all of this is destined for complete destruction - but God has made it possible that I and all my fellow humans are not going to be detroyed - we will all live forever - and that is what gives the human soul worth! Oh to live a life that impacts eternity - to live a life that influences the place of immortality!


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