Sunday, March 13, 2005

Another day

Do you ever feel like sometimes you make yourself go to work - not because you hate your job, but because you just don't want to go? I mean, as far as jobs go, the one I have is great! It is challenging, yet fulfilling in the sense that I see kids changing everyday - I have friends there - it is never the same place for more than ten minutes - and it has great bosses! But, even still, I often have to convince myself that I need to go, that I don't need to stay home and book a plane ticket to Yosemite, but I need to go and work. Today was one of those days. But after arriving at work, I was glad to be there - I hung out with my kids, talked to them and had fun with them - and then hung out with other teachers after school was over. So, my day at work was just another day. After work, I picked up my sister's maid, brought her to my house and then took off to meet with some workers from another company that needs child care during their meetings. Then, I went to the grocery store, checked email and took the maid home. That is my day - and I wonder why that is so revolting to me? I mean, it was a day, I tried to walk in relationship with J, I learned about life - about me - so why does it seem so boring? And Why do I want something more? And why am I never content in the places I live? And why do I want to run away to a place where I know no one, where no one I have ever known lives there and start again- try to fit in and love it there and not want to move to the next place? Why? And yet at the same time, I cringe at the thought of being broke, of having to deal with any money matters - to the point that I totally avoided a discussion with my principal about summer pay and my plane ticket home - yet another area I don't trust Him - so why do I want to move? Do I think I will change upon entering another town? Who Knows!


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