Monday, December 12, 2005

Church focused?

I was reading some random blogs today at work and I came across this phrase "church focused" and I thought - that's it! That is why I have had such a different view of church - because I am no longer "church focused" - I don't know what I am, I wish I could say that I was "God Focused" or "other focused" but more than likely I am just "me focused" - but I am realizing that the change I have been going through is changing my focus - taking it off the church and putting it in other places - this is a big switch for me....Because I grew up in the church and my life revolved around it for 28 years! But now, I am realizing that the church is of vital importance to my spirituality - but that it is not my life! This is a major shift - I go to church to help with my spirituality, not because it is my spirituality - I go to church to find community, learning, and to live as a Body...But I leave the church and I am the Body in my life - as I work, as I play, as I study. And that this is where I find my spirituality as well - not just in the communion service, not just in the public confession, not just in the sharing of my life with my fellow church members - but also as I pray over my lunch, or as I fast for the return of Christ, or as I read my book of common prayer and read the Bible with Christians from all over the world - I am not focused on the church to make me grow - I am focused on the Holy Spirit - living in me, living in others and manifesting Himself in the Church - I am not focused on the church - I am focused on something so much bigger!


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