Monday, March 14, 2005

More important than me?

is there anything really - I mean besides God Himself - that could possibly be more important than me? I feel as if we are all searching for a "cause" or a "higher being" that is more important than ourselves - something that we feel will live beyond what we see and hear and know will die today or tomorrow. But then, I live as if nothing is better and more important than me. I didn't get to have a break at school today because our Arabic teacher was absent. This meant that at the end of school today all I wanted to do was sit. Then as I was sitting in my chair, with my feet propped up, a good book and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich - what could be better! - my Filipino friend came in to clean my room. I know Maggie and I know she works hard and gets paid nothing. There are no labor laws in this country (I mean there are a few, but no unions or anything) so she works from 5:30 every morning cleaning the school, then at 7:30 she rides the bus and picks up 40 or so crazy kids. Then she is an assistant from 8-1 and then she rides the bus again! But here day is far from over, because then she comes back and cleans until 4:30! So everyday is a 12 hour day - and she cleans again for 5 hours on the weekend! (and she does all this work for about half of my salary and I work from 7:30- 2:30 and none on the weekend!) So, I try to be nice to Maggie - because she does all of this with a smile and loves to laugh! I just really love her! So, as she walked in and I was all relaxing, she showed me the work she needed to take home - a stack of things to cut out for her class that she assists in! I took them from her and began to cut. It was great realizing that there are things that are more important than me - other people! If I will just open my eyes and look I will see that this movie is not about me - it is about us....All of us will live forever, all of us will one day worship Him, all of us are important! I already know j - and He tells us to live as if others are more important than we are - He showed us that so clearly on the cross, but not just then - what about when He washed the disciple's feet - I was reading this last night - It says that He knew who sent Him, Who He was and where He was going - and still - He didn't claim to be worshipped - but He got up and washed dirty, nasty , crusty feet - that probably look something like mine after being in this dusty land for 8 months - and trust me they are nasty! But, He didn't ask them to treat Him they way they should have, He asked them to follow His example and treat others as more important than themselves! I long to be this kind of friend, this kind of teacher, this kind of woman!


Blogger Gilbert said...

post this on you and call me when you can.

5:40 PM  

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