Tuesday, July 11, 2006


It is killing me to have to write this - because it for the last year blogging has been such a huge tool in my life. But I have realized in the last few weeks as the deep wounds of my heart have been examined and the defenses that have walled my soul have been demolished- that I use this blog as a way to "air my laundry" without having to really interact with people. I am writing and you might or might not think that I am learning - but either way, I don't get to know about it. I used to write these for my brother - but now many people read it and I write for all of you- and this means that I write with my defences in tact.
I wish I could tell you when it would be back, when I can look at the "post screen" and write about my life again - but I don't know. All I know is that I am hurting- as I look at the wounds of my soul- some feel as if they are as deep as the ocean- and my eyes are adjusting to the darkness that has covered my soul - and that I am trying to figure out this pit I have fallen into and in order to get out I have to stop walling myself in - and I have to stop hiding and living my life through this blog - so.... I want you to be apart of my life - so if you want updates and details - email me! Ktforpresident at yahoo!
until then -


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