Tuesday, April 19, 2005

a great romp

You know, I have discovered that I love walking - I mean I would love walking more if it was through the woods, or in downtown Baltimore (my favorite city) or in the woods at Yosemite ( my favorite place on earth!) but, nonetheless I like walking here in the boring city of Al Ain. I had to get rid of my car this week in order to save a bit of money - so that means that I am taxi -ing it everywhere. This is not so much fun, but it makes me walk out to get a taxi and walk back from where my friends drop me off from school. It was in this walking that I was reminded of how much I love just walking- especially when I am on an adventure! So, this week I have thought of adventures that require me to walk about my city. (now remember, I am wearing a skirt or jeans and a long sleeved cotton shirt in order to be "presentable" - and it is at least 80 degrees!) I wait until the sun goes down, so the temperature is bearable and then I leave the house. Sometimes I have a plan, other times I just go and look for adventure - but it has taken me on great evenings - some 30 minutes long, others hours - but it is a blast! So, I have been to the travel agents to plan my trip home, to the grocery store to get bananas, and tonight I went to get fabric for a clothing creation - that I hope is a creation and not a failed hippie costume! But, I went and got the fabric and then a little march down to the tailors to explain what I wanted! It ended up being a a fun adventure and allowed for lots of time to think, pray and bat around things in my head! I am really excited because I had coffee with Stacey again - it was really fun and reminded me of how much I need people....And I was reminded of groups at school (that most of them fail miserably as they try to force community) but I was reminded that I was going to lead one - and I got very excited about the idea that I could help lead others to feel as passionate about community! I mean, I would make Blue Like Jazz required reading and we would go out for drinks together - boy won't that shake up DTS! Well, today was a good day - I am sticky with sweat, my legs are sore and I am tired - but no school tomorrow...So extra time reading and maybe even lunch with J!


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