Sunday, May 01, 2005

Physical and spiritual

I was reading today from "True Spirituality" by Francis Schafer - it is a great book! Anyway, he was talking about how we always think of the spiritual as separate from the physical, but really as Christians we say we believe that they are intertwined. We say that what we do here has direct effect on heaven - i.e. when someone believes there is a party in heaven, when we pray things change in heaven on our behalf, etc. And the things in heaven have a direct impact on life here - i.e. there are battles going on in the heavenlies for lives here on earth, angels visit us "unaware" and angels long to look into the mystery of grace and redemption! So, it is clear that we believe the physical and spiritual realm are close - but how close? Are they like Carmen's famous quote, "Jesus and God are close!" - Schafer then pointed us to the story of Elisha and the army that was coming to get him - and his servant was like "we are going to die!" and then Elisha said - no, look at all the people on our side! And his servant was like - WHO? You must be on crack! - but then Elisha prayed and the eyes of the servant were opened and he saw that there were angels all around! And as I realized that this idea is true - I started wondering why I don't look at life this way - I mean, why do I think that the spiritual is one thing and the physical is another. I mean, don't I experience life with Jesus in my physical body - don't I see Him at work in the physical universe around me? So, why do I have to act like the physical is here and the spiritual is all mystic and feelings and experiential? Why can't I seek God in eating my breakfast - while running to catch a taxi? Why can't I meet with Him at coffee with friends? Why do we think it has to be in a "quiet time" or in a church service - can't it be on a hike through the giant redwoods of Yosemite?


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