Thursday, September 08, 2005

Crazy in the head

The last two days have been days that I have not been able to keep a "real" thought in my head - it is amazing...I am not sure if it is because Seminary really does make you insane, if living on campus has made me lose hold on reality, or if I am just a girl and this is normal every once in a while. I am not talking about being scatter brained, or thinking about clothes and shoes, how to pay rent, major crisis or such while in class - I am talking about having full length conversations with people in my head - all of course to show case how witty, smart and wonderful I am! It is crazy - yesterday, while sitting outside and enjoying the glorious day, I was losing my train of thought - my eyes were crossing the words of the book, but my mind was deep in conversation with a guy I met, or re-living a thought provoking conversation from the other day...Of course changing what I said and did but leaving all the other dialogue the same (this, in case you don't know ,makes you look brilliant!) And today,I was sitting in Greek - after the quiz, thank the Lord- but I was thinking about what I would do if I ran into so and so....THIS IS MADNESS! I could handle it when it was hours of conversation with Don Miller, but now these conversations are taking over my life! I am so self centered! I am so all about me! I want to stop, but at times it is so thrilling that all I want to do is sit and daydream! Oh, my love for ideas can sometimes be a curse! And what about taking every thought captive like the Bible says? Shouldn't I live in the here and now and not in the "maybe someday" - but I continue to live in this daydream world of Katy - where everyone loves me and thinks I am great (believe it or not, that is not true - some people really don't like me and they think I am crazy, after reading this blog I am sure those numbers will increase!)


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