Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Floating on my back

I have heard that if you want to truly relax, you have to get in a pool and try to float on your back. We are created in such a way that if we just lay back in the water we will quickly sink...But if we relax our muscles - I mean truly relax all of our muscles- take a deep breath and then lay back in the water, miraculously we float! I think that is what I am learning to do today - to relax and lay back on God. I have been so worked up about my job, depressed by the number of companies that have "rejected" me by not responding to my resume or application - and I was seriously anxious about my bills - I know that God says not to do that, but I was! I mean, I know he provides for the birds, squirrels and flowers and such - but the last time I checked they didn't have rent or a school bill to pay! So, I wasn't comforted by scripture at all! But, today I went out to a park to sit and read. And as I was sitting there a soft, breeze began to flow - it covered my whole body with the sensation of falling into the softest bed, or that great feeling of a baby cuddling up to your neck - the smell of Dallas wafting in the breeze, the caress that I so distinctly felt - it made me stop reading and just look. I gazed that the beautiful trees, the pigeons in the park and a few squirrels fighting over nuts. It was amazing to just relax and remind myself that I am not the only one in this world. I am only a part of God's creation and that He has not forgotten me. So - I am relaxing - falling back into Him (Who is so capable of providing) and taking deep breaths....And floating - well, at least for tonight!


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