Friday, February 17, 2006

in a funk

I am in a funk today - have been for a few days actually. I am not really sure why, but I feel as if I am just going through the motions of life and need some kind of thrust to get going again. I don't know what brought it on - maybe I am just overwhelmed with all the need in the world and can't get a handle on what my role is in meeting it - I have been bombarded with the needs of Africa this week- Aids is killing one out of every 10 in most of southern Africa, famine is killing one out of every 5 kids in Western Africa, and in the east, war in Sudan, refugees throughout, children abducted to be soldiers and poverty that seems unending. I know that Jesus wants to give these people more than just the Jesus film, more than just a promise of heaven - He wants to bring Peace and fill their stomachs too!
But where do I fit - what can I do?
Or maybe it is because I am just being selfish that I am in a funk - you know the selfish drive that makes me want a boy to think that I am pretty and cool. The idea that if a boy thinks I am important than all will be right in the world!
Why do I do this - why do I think that there is a simple answer to fixing my curse - I act as if I can just get something or do something and then all will be right - all the evil, the poor, the effects of fallen humanity will disappear with the look of a boy, the accomplishment of a task. It is as if I think that there is something here on earth that will fill my deepest needs- forgetting the fact that the only way that all will be right in the world is if Jesus comes back!
so the funk will continue.....


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